Data Mining and Machine/Deep Learning
Track Chairs
Dr. E. Fatih Yetkin Kadir Has University, Turkey
Data science expresses that previous data processing applications are not sufficient to process larger and more complex data sets. The relatively recent concepts of data mining, machine learning, and deep learning offer a new set of techniques and methods. Today, researchers and companies are dealing with and experimenting with various methods of deriving value, such as machine learning, data mining, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. Data Mining and Machine / Deep Learning track aims to contribute to fields that are related to analytics of data that based on different data types. New approaches, applications, models or methods related to the topic of this track.
Biography of the Chair
E. Fatih Yetkin obtained his bachelor degree in electronics engineering from Uludağ University, Bursa Turkey and obtained his master and PhD degrees both in Istanbul Technical University in Computational Science and Engineering. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at HiePACS(High-End Parallel Algorithms for Challenging Numerical Simulations) team of Inria Sud-Ouest, Bordeaux. His area of interests in general are computational science, high performance computing and machine learning. His recent research areas are, Resilient Computation, Communication Hiding Computation, Big Data, Machine Learning, and their applications to Image processing, Cybersecurity and Power Systems. He is currently working at Management Information System at Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey.